Cesar Morriss

Cesar Morriss
César Morriss, born in 1979, is an innovative Peruvian visual artist, with studies in Canada and an interesting international career.
His work is characterized primarily by being endowed with a remarkable command of colour and innovative use of resources such as the fusion of different techniques, exploration of textures, decorative details, elements that do not show themselves fully, and the use of formats and compositions that do not respect the conventional.
Artist Statement - Forest City Fusion Art Exhibit
“Paisajes Encantados” es una serie de pinturas que para mi representan una variacion radical en mi tematica. Influenciada por importantes cambios, en distintos aspectos, tanto en mi vida como en mi estado de animo. En esta Aventura recurro a la naturaleza como principal fuente de ispiracion, incorporando las tecnicas y texturas que desarrolle durante mi estadia en Ottawa y en los anios posteriores
“Paisajes encantados" es el inicio de una nueva etapa para mi como artista, en la que intento repotenciar mi talento y reafirmar esa pasion por la pintura que reside en mi escencia y que definitivamente me motiva a seguir creando y participando en diversas exposiciones y eventos culturales.
“Enchanted Landscapes” is a series of paintings that for me represents a radical variation in my theme. Influenced by important changes, in different aspects, both in life and my state of mind. In this adventure I turn to nature as my main source of inspiration, incorporating the techniques and textures that I developed during my stay in Ottawa and subsequent years.
“Enchanted Landscapes” is the beginning of a new stage for me as an artist, in which I try to strengthen my talent and reaffirm that passion for painting that resides in my essence and that definitely motivates me to continue creating and participating in various exhibitions and cultural events.