Raquel Sanchez

Raquel Sanchez
Hello London! my name is Raquel Sanchez and I’m a singer/songwriter hoping to someday make a name for myself. I am 18 years old y soy de sangre latina. I was born in Valencia, Venezuela where I lived for the first 9 years of my life and learned my first ever instrument, el cuatro Venezolano, which sparked my love for guitar at the age of 6. Through out the years I have been able to develop my musical abilities and now play bass, drums, piano, cuatro and of course guitar and still trying to improve a bit more each day. I have been a secret singer my whole life and these passed few years I have been given the opportunity to finally sing and play in-front of crowds at the London museum with my uncles Freddy Almarza and The Trovadors who is well known and loved all around. And very recently played at the rib fest with my family. And this same event last year with my friends Luke Miller(guitar), along with my cousins Franco Arriaza(bass/guitar) and a new addition Addy(vocals) joining this year. Thank you Dario and simple reflections for giving me and small artists like me this amazing opportunity.