Sirlene Aguilar

Sirlene Aguilar
Si is for Sirlene
Brazilian painter
Sirlene Aguilar, Bahia Brazil, 1981 The overwhelming beauty of the tropical nature scenes are the main subjects of Brazilian painter Sirlene Aguilar which has adopted the code name Sirena Aguilar. Born in the countryside of the state of Bahia, in the northeast of Brazil, she is a person of nature by heart.
Love for nature
Si Aguilar is a self-taught artist. She starts to paint as a muralist for her family and friends in her thirties. About six years old, she and her family moves from the countryside to Minas Gerais capital Belo Horizonte, a big city with a rich culture. There she lives in favela and develops her skills through out the realism/impressionism painting with vibrant and colourful traces. She paints the green she would like to be around.
The pandemic events created conditions for her migrated from murals to acrylic on canvas.
Si Aguilar's paintings reflect her strong love and sensibility for the nature. Her meticulous work shows both the beauty of the nature colors and the reflection of the joy it brings to us.